Monday, February 18, 2013

Mr. PT Cooks

Mr. PT is officially in charge of making dinner on Thursday nights.  Thanks Mr. PT!  

If you are the primary "meal preparer" in your house you know how wonderful it is to come home from work and NOT think about making dinner, even if it's just once a week.

And I can always count on Mr. PT for keeping it healthy.  He knows I've been craving protein lately so he whipped up this delicious plate of chicken and broccoli!

With apples, of course!

He made this so quickly I was almost in disbelief when he said it was ready.  

He took boneless chicken breasts and dipped them in egg, breadcrumbs, and herbs.  Then he browned them off in hot olive oil and let them simmer until they were cooked through.

The broccoli was just steamed with a touch of butter!

This was delicious!  So simple, yet so fulfilling.  

Feeling overwhelmed in the kitchen?  Try to keep it simple.

Combine with a group workout.  There's something about having your friends around that makes you work harder.  If you are alone in the gym, pretend you are competing with the person next to you!  You'll be surprised how you're more motivated to do that extra rep when you think someone is watching!

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