Saturday, March 29, 2014

Sausage stir-fry!

We had some sausages we were saving for the grill, but it has rained all day. Not a nice, springy rain, more of a cold, drizzling rain. Yuck. So since it still feels like winter in our house, I thought a sausage stir-fry would be appropriate!

This is really simple, full of delicious vegetables and a touch of sausage. I used a brand of sausage that was flavored with apple and Gouda cheese, yum!

Start with sliced red peppers, onions, mushrooms, and yellow zucchini squash in a pan with olive oil on medium heat. Season with salt and pepper and cook until soft.

Meanwhile, prepare 1.5 cups brown rice.

Slice your sausage however you like! You can keep it in big pieces or cut it into little chunks. Add the rice and sausage to the veggies, season with a little more pepper and smoked Tabasco sauce. Let this all cook together for about 15 minutes.


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