Thursday, January 3, 2013

Big news for the new year!

Hello again readers, and happy new year!  Can you believe it's 2013?  Where did 2012 go?

I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday season filled with friends, family, and good times.  Mr. PT and I hosted a holiday party here in Roanoke and traveled to Columbus, OH to be with my family.  Our timing could not be better because my sister had her first baby, dear little Caroline, on Friday December 28.  I was so thankful we could be nearby to see the little bambina before heading southeast.  Although now I'm going through baby withdrawl...need to see that baby again!

If you have been disappointed with my blogging lately, I do not blame you.  I'm disappointed in myself.  I'm hoping you have not forgotten about me and have enjoyed flipping through old posts to find ideas for recipes.

The truth is, I have not been cooking a lot lately.  In fact, I have not been excited about food for the past three months.

Why, you ask?

Because I'm pregnant, of course!!

That's right...Mr. PT and I are happy to announce that baby PT is on the way!  I have completed 16 weeks of this incredible journey and it has been quite the roller coaster, to say the least.  My appetite started out great.  I was hungry all the time, eating everything in sight.  Then, around week 6, I hit a gustatory wall.  I could eat practically nothing.  I never actually got sick, but I spent my days in a constant state of nausea.  I'm not sure what is worse.

So, my action in the kitchen took a definite break.  Here is what I ate for about 2 1/2 months.

waffles supplemented with fruit

 cereal of all varieties, hot and cold

plain cheese pizza, prepared by Mr. PT

toast, toast, and more toast

I also ate a lot of yogurt, bananas, granola bars, and string cheese.  It was pretty boring!  Around week 13 I was finally able to force myself to stand above a stove long enough to make some pasta.

This was cooked pasta tossed in a pan with olive oil, basil, fresh spinach, mozzarella cheese, and salt/pepper.  Normally I would add fresh garlic but garlic was a no-no throughout this nauseating time period.

So, it's been quite an adventure so far.  My appetite has finally returned and I am back in the kitchen once again.  Hopefully you will continue to visit my blog to find easy, fun ways to improve your health by eating and exercising.  If any of you are expecting, I hope I will inspire you stay active and supplement your prenatal vitamins with whole fruits, vegetables, grains, and dairy.

Also, you might be surprised to see more meat in my dishes.  After a few fainting spells, protein and iron are key players these days.  Feel free to substitute meat with more veggies or just do without.

Thank you for reading my humble blog and sending thoughts, prayers, and good wishes our way as our little one continues to grow!

Combine bouts of nausea with continued exercise.  Afraid you might never want to eat again?  Take a 45 minute walk or a 20 minute run and you may feel differently.  You may think lounging on the couch feels the best, however, forcing yourself to get up and move (especially outside in the fresh air) will boost your metabolism and give you renewed energy. 


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Elizabeth!!

Unknown said...

Lots of new life experiences to enjoy in 2013!