Summer only comes once a year, so try to enjoy it while you can!
One of my favorite summer pastimes is cheering on the home team at the baseball stadium. I don't care if it's major league, minor league, or the neighborhood t-ball team. Nothing beats sitting in the stands listening for the crack of the bat.
Of course, a baseball game would not be the same without the baseball snacks! Baseball vendors certainly know their audience. Hot dogs, peanuts, cracker jacks...just the thought of this American menu makes me want to grab my baseball mitt and cheer for a fly ball.
It's no surprise that most baseball stadium snacks are not exactly models of good nutrition. However, life is to be enjoyed, so leave your carrot sticks at home and relish in the moment.
pun intended
Now, this is an important time for the WWPTD question...what would your personal trainer do? Would he/she eat three hot dogs, an order of jumbo nachos, cracker jacks, ice cream, a pretzel, and a giant soda? Probably not. But they might eat a regular sized hot dog with the works, a few peanuts, and a small beer.
Remember, everything you eat has a consequence. So if you want to feel sluggish and bloated, go for it. If you want to enjoy a treat and energetically participate in the seventh inning stretch, keep your portions small.
Combine ball! Find your local used sports equipment store and stock up on some summer sports materials. Grab a friend and toss the baseball. Kick the soccer ball down the field a few times. Discover the lure of ultimate frisbee. Exercise can be fun!
WWPTD = eat a hot dog, peanuts, small craft beer AND a pint of ice cream :)
Ha! That is very true!
Ha! That is very true!
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